
There are different religionsv all over the world.世界上有很多不同的宗教。Religion is important to many people.对许多人来说,宗教是很重要的`。


这几个单词的汉语意思当中也都包含一个,抱或托的形象。 趣味造句法 此方法是用一个有趣的句子 将一组词串起来。


1、. His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.他的散文文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。

2、He occasionally regretted the shame he had brought on his family, but for his victims and their relatives he felt nothing. 他偶尔会为他带给家庭的耻辱而悔恨,但对于受害者以及受害者的家人却毫无负罪感。

3、He wakes during the night or early morning and finds it difficult to fall asleep again.(他晚间或清早醒来后,再也不能入睡。)He has nightmares occasionally.(他有时做噩梦。


Though he was inexperienced, he did a very good job.虽然他没有工作经验,但他干的很好。

托福写作常用句式(一):让步句This view is widely acknowledged;however,there is little evidence that smoking is beneficial to peoples health.这个观点被广泛认可,然而,几乎没有证据表明吸烟对人们健康有利。

Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides. 在给出我的观点之前,我想有必要看看双方的论据。
