

2、因果关系:因果关系的`典型特征是出现因果关联词或表达因果含义的动词 段落结构 在托福阅读文章的段落内部,句子和句子并非出于同一个层次,因此需要运用以上讲解的句间关系,辨析段落中句子的地位。

3、托福大部分的文章遵守T+A+A结构,即Topic话题+Aspects方面+Attitude态度,段落结构主要是Topic sentence主旨句+Details细节。Topic话题 +Aspects方面 + Attitude态度,这三要素加起来就是标准学术论文体的T+A+A篇章结构。


句型分析 英语的句型包括以下几种,简单句、复合句、并列句、并列复合句等。在新托福写作中,一般使用复合句,辅以并列句和并列复合句,当然肯定要有简单句,做到长短句相结合。


托福写作词汇的使用技巧 选词时要符合语言习惯 并与社会文化诸多背景一致。由于东西方社会历史文化的差异,许多词所引申或代表的内容也大相径庭。

现实会告诉你托福写作可不简单,下面就一起来看看托福写作高分技巧之一:巧用倒装句。倒装句有两种:将主语和谓语完全颠倒过来,叫做完全倒装(Complete Inversion)。

这边给你分享几个托福写作的小技巧,希望能够帮到你哦~简化内容,确保文章符合逻辑 内容简单化是考生在构思新托福作文时应遵循的原则,考生不论是在练习时还是在考场上都应当牢记这一点。

手段问题的摆出与观点或写作目的及命题相关,即不能写于主题无关的句子。 注意: ①不用some people ②不要引用名人名言。 ③Main Body段落的主旨句往往为首句,且要出现命题的核心词或其近义词。


1、名词性从句(包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句) 定语从句 状语从句(包括时间、条件、结果、目的、原因、让步、地点、方式等)。


3、英语中从句(Subordinate Clause)是一个句子成分,它不能独立成为一个句子,必须依附于主句才能有意义。从句通常包括一个主语和谓语,但是不能独立成为一个完整的句子,它必须和主句一起组成一个复合句。


5、名词性从句——从句占位 主语从句: (主-谓-宾)-谓-宾——占主语位 That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.他在如此短的时间内写完作文使我们十分惊讶。

6、问题一:英语中的从句是什么意思 简单地说,一句话中不只一个谓语的时候就肯定有从句。







6、做大量练习 也就是题海战术,这种考试策略对于提高托福阅读是非常有效的。可以通过做大量的练习来提高我们的理解能力,检查语法系统的细节,并帮助我们掌握提出问题的固有思路和习惯。







eg. Plants / able / to tolerate low levels/ of this mineral / can survive.




eg. / Thus / a part / of the total space / of any object / consists of empty space.




动词不定式:The only way to protect this fragile and important part of the planet is to stop tourists from traveling to Antarctica.



现在分词:A third fossil formation containing both soft-bodied and hard-bodied animals provides evidence of the result of the Cambrian(寒武纪)explosion.



过去分词:The increased value placed on the idea of the family also helps to explain this rise in birth rates.




定语从句:Farmers { who grow crops [that need a lot of water] } make higher profits.



同位语从句:The fact { that artisans are frequently considered artists today } is / directly /attributable / to the Arts and Crafts Movement / of the nineteenth century /.





 在托福写作中,从句句型还是应用比较广泛的,常用的主语、宾语从句,定语从句,还有同位语从句。见过的托福写作范文中,段落中从句出现的频率都是很高的,尤其是第一段introduction中,一般做背景介绍的时候都会使用宾语从句,例如:some people claim that… 在文章的主体部分中,为了体现句式的变化,各种从句交替应用就显得很重要;即使在iBT导入了first draft的概念之后,对文章的内容要求也没有改变要求,需要体现完整性和统一性。




1. Many experts claim that people should positively participate in garbage recycle.


2. Horror movies, in which there might be bleeding and terrifying scenes,are not recommended for children.


3. As long as you are a student, you should always behave yourself.

状语从句,让步状语从句比较常见的使用although或者though来引导,这里介绍一个使用as long as来引导的句子,这个例句可以解释成做一天和尚撞一天钟。

4. When it comes to psychology,most people believe that it is a behavioral study.






托福阅读高分策略一、英语 句子 结构的原则

1、谓动单一性原则 在一个句子里,有且只有一个谓语动词。

2、主句单一性原则 在一个句子中,有且只有一个主句。(从句可以有若干个)


1、名词性从句 主语从句 宾语从句 同位语从句

引导词 (what/how/that/why/whether)

结构 主语从句

what+VO=n. for eg.

what+SV=n. What you said is right.

形式宾语 Make it possible for sb.to do


That the ancestors of birds are dinosaurs is known.It is known that the ancestors of birds are dinosaurs.(形式主语居多)...






13道题中除了4道词汇题(30‘’)1道多选题(1’30‘’)之外,其他题目基本(1‘)一般是在第三段/第四段,大概第8题/第9题的样子,是一段会出2道理解题的段落。题目编排,近几年的TPO一般第一篇第二篇 文章 偏难,生词多,第三篇简单难度类似早期TPO。

在题目上一般是(细节 词汇,细节 作用, 细节 词汇, 细节 词汇 改写, 细节 词汇, 黑点 大意)规律就是每一段都会出细节题(In paragraph n...)再加一道其他题,早期一段只有一道题的情况几乎不存在了...


No two comets ever look identical, but they have basic features in common, one of the most obvious of which is a coma. A coma looks like a misty, patch of light with one or more tails often streaming from it in the direction away from the sun.

At the heart of a comet's coma lies a nucleus of solid material, typically no more than 10 kilometers across. The visible coma is a huge cloud of gas and dust that has escaped from the nucleus, which then surrounds like an extended atmosphere. The coma can extend as far as a million kilometers outward from the nucleus. Around the coma there is often an even larger invisible envelope of hydrogen gas.

The most graphic proof that the grand spectacle of a comet develops from a relatively small and inconspicuous chunk of ice and dust was the close-up image obtained in 1986 by the European Giotto probe of the nucleus of Halley's Comet. It turned out to be a bit like a very dark asteroid, measuring 16 by 8 kilometers. Ices have evaporated from its outer layers to leave a crust of nearly black dust all over the surface. Bright jets of gas from evaporating ice burst out on the side facing the Sun, where the surface gets heated up, carrying dust with them. This is how the coma and the tails are created.

Comets grow tails only when they get warm enough for ice and dust to boil off. As a comet's orbit brings it closer to the sun, first the coma grows, then two distinct tails usually form. One, the less common kind, contains electrically charged (i.e., ionized) atoms of gas, which are blown off directly in the direction away from the Sun by the magnetic field of the solar wind. The other tail is made of neutral dust particles, which get gently pushed back by the pressure of the sunlight itself. Unlike the ion tail, which is straight, the dust tail becomes curved as the particles follow their own orbits around the Sun.

1. The passage focuses on comets primarily in terms of their

(A) orbital patterns

(B) coma and tails

(C) brightness

(D) size

2. The word identical in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) equally fast

(B) exactly alike

(C) near each other

(D) invisible

3. The word heart in line 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) center

(B) edge

(C) tail

(D) beginning

4. Why does the author mention the Giotto probe in paragraph 3?

(A) It had a relatively small and inconspicuous nucleus.

(B) It was very similar to an asteroid.

(C) It was covered with an unusual black dust.

(D) It provided visual evidence of the makeup of a comet's nucleus.

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the nucleus of a comet is made up of

(A) dust and gas

(B) ice and dust

(C) hydrogen gas

(D) electrically charged atoms

6. The word graphic in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) mathematical

(B) popular

(C) unusual

(D) vivid

7. Which of the following occurred as the ices from Halley's Comet evaporated?

(A) Black dust was left on the comet's surface.

(B) The nucleus of the comet expanded.

(C) The tail of the comet straightened out.

(D) Jets of gas caused the comet to increase its speed.

8. All of the following statements about the tails of comets are true EXCEPT:

(A) They can contain electrically charged or neutral particles.

(B) They can be formed only when there is sufficient heat.

(C) They are formed before the coma expands.

(D) They always point in the direction away from the Sun.

9. The word distinct in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) visible

(B) gaseous

(C) separate

(D) new

10. Compared to the tail of electrically charged atoms, the tail of neutral dust particles is


(A) long

(B) curved

(C) unpredictable

(D) bright



Long before they can actually speak, babies pay special attention to the speech they hear around them. Within the first month of their lives, babies' responses to the sound of the human voice will be different from their responses to other sorts of auditory stimuli. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell or the sound of a rattle. At first, the sounds that an infant notices might be only those words that receive the heaviest emphasis and that often occur at the ends of utterances. By the time they are six or seven weeks old, babies can detect the difference between syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections. Very soon, these differences in adult stress and intonation can influence babies' emotional states and behavior. Long before they develop actual language comprehension, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry, attempting to initiate or terminate new behavior, and so on, merely on the basis of cues such as the rate, volume, and melody of adult speech.

Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk. Other investigators have noted that when mothers talk to babies who are only a few months old, they exaggerate the pitch, loudness, and intensity of their words. They also exaggerate their facial expressions, hold vowels longer, and emphasize certain words.

More significant for language development than their response to general intonation is observation that tiny babies can make relatively fine distinctions between speech sounds. In other words, babies enter the world with the ability to make precisely those perceptual discriminations that are necessary if they are to acquire aural language.

Babies obviously derive pleasure from sound input, too: even as young as nine months they will listen to songs or stories, although the words themselves are beyond their understanding. For babies, language is a sensory-motor delight rather than the route to prosaic meaning that it often is for adults.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) How babies differentiate between the sound of the human voice and other sounds

(B) The differences between a baby's and an adult's ability to comprehend language

(C) How babies perceive and respond to the human voice in their earliest stages of language


(D) The response of babies to sounds other than the human voice

2. Why does the author mention a bell and a rattle in lines 4-5?

(A) To contrast the reactions of babies to human and nonhuman sounds

(B) To give examples of sounds that will cause a baby to cry

(C) To explain how babies distinguish between different nonhuman sounds

(D) To give examples of typical toys that babies do not like

3. Why does the author mention syllables pronounced with rising and falling inflections in lines


(A) To demonstrate how difficult it is for babies to interpret emotions

(B) To illustrate that a six-week-old baby can already distinguish some language differences

(C) To provide an example of ways adults speak to babies

(D) To give a reason for babies' difficulty in distinguishing one adult from another

4. The word diverse in line 14 is closest in meaning to

(A) surrounding

(B) divided

(C) different

(D) stimulating

5. The word noted in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) theorized

(B) requested

(C) disagreed

(D) observed

6. The word They in line 18 refers to

(A) mothers

(B) investigators

(C) babies

(D) words

7. The passage mentions all of the following as ways adults modify their speech when talking to

babies EXCEPT

(A) giving all words equal emphasis

(B) speaking with shorter sentences

(C) speaking more loudly than normal

(D) using meaningless sounds

8. The word emphasize in line 19 is closest in meaning to

(A) stress

(B) repeat

(C) explain

(D) leave out

9. Which of the following can be inferred about the findings described in paragraph 2?

(A) Babies who are exposed to more than one language can speak earlier than babies exposed to

a single language.

(B) Mothers from different cultures speak to their babies in similar ways.

(C) Babies ignore facial expressions in comprehending aural language.

(D) The mothers observed by the researchers were consciously teaching their babies to speak.

10. What point does the author make to illustrate that babies are born with the ability to acquire


(A) Babies begin to understand words in songs.

(B) Babies exaggerate their own sounds and expressions.

(C) Babies are more sensitive to sounds than are adults.

(D) Babies notice even minor differences between speech sounds.

11. According to the author, why do babies listen to songs and stories, even though they cannot

understand them?

(A) They understand the rhythm.

(B) They enjoy the sound.

(C) They can remember them easily.

(D) They focus on the meaning of their parents' words.



For example:

The news that the number of privatevehicles will be restricted in urban areas is true.

‚The news that he obtained from thenews agency is true.






在我们所接触的托福写作范文中,包括老托福和新托福的两类作文,从句在段落中出现的频率都是很高的,尤其是第一段introduction中,一般做背景介绍的时候都会使用宾语从句。例如:Some people claim that…,在文章的主体部分中,为了体现句式的变化,各种从句交替应用就显得很重要。即使在IBT导入了first draft的概念之后,对文章的内容要求也没有改变要求,需要体现完整性和统一性。


1)Many experts claim that people should positively participate in garbage recycle.


2)Horror movies, in which there might be bleeding and terrifying scenes, are not recommended for children.


3)As long as you are a student, you should always behave yourself.

状语从句,让步状语从句比较常见的使用although或者though来引导,这里介绍一个使用as long as来引导的句子,这个例句可以解释成“做一天和尚撞一天钟”。

4)When it comes to psychology, most people believe that it is a behavioral study.

