
2008年,获美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校经济学博士学位,师从Russell W. Cooper教授
1. 找工作强度是怎样决定工资的
2. 当找工作强度为内生情况下的最优失业保险
3. 中国农村家庭的因病致贫研究
4. 租房还是买房:一个考虑税收因素的动态模型
5. 企业用工调整:中国劳动合同法的影响(与Russell Cooper、龚关合作)










北京大学 国家发展研究院/中国经济研究中心 副教授
研究兴趣:劳动经济学,健康经济学,应用计量学。在国家发展研究院中国经济研究中心先后教授劳动经济学 (研究生课程)、实证策略(研究生课程)、中级微观经济学(本科生双学位课程)。
经济学博士 美国加利福利亚大学洛杉矶校区 2007
经济学硕士 美国加利福利亚大学洛杉矶校区 2003
经济学硕士 中国人民大学财政金融学院 2000
经济学学士 中国人民大学财政金融学院 1997
2012.8-今 副教授,北京大学国家发展研究院中国经济研究中心
2007.8-2012.8 助教授,北京大学国家发展研究院中国经济研究中心
2007.1-2007.6 助研,Deepak Lal 教授, 美国加州大学洛杉矶校区经济系
2002-2006 助教,美国加州大学洛杉矶校区经济系
Summer 2003 助研,Kathleen McGarry 教授, 加州大学洛杉矶校区经济系
2000-2001 审计, 中信实业银行总行
1.Capital Gains and Trading, with Yuegang Zhou and Xiaoneng Zhu, forthcoming, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions Money
2.Health Outcomes and Socio-economic Status among the Mid-Aged and Elderly in China: Evidence from the CHARLS National Baseline Data, with Xiaoting Sun, John Strauss and Yaohui Zhao, forthcoming, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
3.Old-Age Support and Protection, with Chuanchuan Zhang and Yaohui Zhao, forthcoming, Avoiding the Middle-Income Trap: Challenges facing the Chinese Economy, Juzhong Zhuang, Yiping Huang, and Paul Vandenberg (eds.), Oxford University Press
4.Gender Differences in Cognition in China and Reasons for Change over Time: Evidence from CHARLS," with James Smith, Xiaoting Sun and Yaohui Zhao, forthcoming in The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
5.Capital Gains, Illiquidity, and Stock Returns, with Yuegang Zhou and Xiaoneng Zhu, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 25, November 2013, Pages 273-293
6.Incentive Problems in China’s New Rural Pension Program, with Chuanchuan Zhang and Yaohui Zhao, Research in Labor Economics, 2013, Vol. 37, Labor Market Issues in China, Corrado Giulietti, Konstantinos Tatsiramos, Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds.),http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?issn=0147-9121volume=37PHPSESSID=7mfhd8v2vorfvj9b3imdpm4t63
7.Height, Height Shrinkage, Health at Older Ages and SES: Evidence from China, with Wei Huang, Geert Ridder, John Strauss and Yaohui Zhao, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 5, Issue 2, April 2013, http://www.aeaweb.org/atypon.php?return_to=/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/app.5.2.86etoc=1
8.How Will Fertility Imbalances Affect the Human Capital Structure in China? --Evidence from the National Family Planning and Fertility Health Survey, with Yan Shen and Xiaxin Wang, China Economic Journal, December 2012, vol. 5, no. 1. p29-45, http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcej20/current
9.Gender Differences in Cognition among Older Adults in China, with Yuqing Hu, Jack McArdle, James P. Smith and Yaohui Zhao, Journal of Human Resources, September, 2012, 47:951-97, http://jhr.uwpress.org/content/47/4/951.short
10.Patterns and Correlates of Intergenerational Non-Time Transfers: Evidence from CHARLS, with John Giles, Yuqing Hu, Albert Park, John Strauss and Yaohui Zhao, Aging in Asia: Findings from New and Emerging Data Initiatives, M. Majmundar and J.P. Smith (eds.), Committee on Policy Research and Data Needs to Meet the Challenge of Aging in Asia, National Research Council. Washington D.C.: National Academies Press,2012, http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13361
11.Health Care and Insurance Among the Elderly in China: Evidence from CHARLS Pilot, with John Strauss, Hao Hong, Lin Li, Albert Park, Li Yang and Yaohui Zhao, Aging in Asia: Findings from New and Emerging Data Initiatives, M. Majmundar and J.P. Smith (eds.), Committee on Policy Research and Data Needs to Meet the Challenge of Aging in Asia, National Research Council. Washington D.C.: National Academies Press, 2012, http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13361
12.Social Interactions and Cognitive Function of Chinese Elderly: Evidence from CHARLS, with Yuqing Hu, James P. Smith and Yaohui Zhao, Aging in Asia: Findings from New and Emerging Data Initiatives, M. Majmundar and J.P. Smith (eds.), Committee on Policy Research and Data Needs to Meet the Challenge of Aging in Asia, National Research Council. Washington D.C.: National Academies Press, 2012, http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13361
13.Socioeconomic Status and Chronic Diseases: The Case of Hypertension in China, China Economic Review, March 2012, with Nina Yin and Yaohui Zhao, Vol 23, Issue 1, Pp 105-121, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1043951X11000848
14.Health Outcomes and Socio-Economic Status Among the Elderly in China: Evidence from the CHARLS Pilot, with John Strauss, Albert Park, Yan Shen, James Smith, Zhe Yang and Yaohui Zhao, Journal of Population Ageing, December 2010, Volume 3, Issue 3-4, pp 111-142, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12062-011-9033-9
15.The New Cooperative Medical Scheme in Rural China: Does More Coverage Mean More Service and Better Health? Health Economics ,Volume 18 Issue S2 ,July 2009, Pages 25-46, with Wanchuan Lin, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hec.1501/pdf
16.‘Fertility Effect’ or ‘Supporting Effect?’ Quantity of Children and Parental Health Frontiers of Economics in China, Frontiers of Economics in China, Volume 4, Number 4, December 2009, Pages 601-617, with Guodong Chen, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11459-009-0032-1?LI=true
1.健康对中国中老年人劳动供给的影响(与李琴、赵耀辉合著),《经济学(季刊)》, 2014,第13卷,第3期
5.退休会影响健康吗?(与谭力、赵耀辉合著),《经济学(季刊)》, 2010,第9卷,第4期
6.中国家庭的资产组合选择:健康状况与风险偏好(与周月刚合著),《金融研究》, 2010 ,第1期
8.代际转移、子女差异及中老年女性劳动供给,《人口与经济》,2009, No. 6. ISSN 1000-4149
9.论适当的货币政策, 《城市金融论坛》, 1999
10.当前我国国债市场发展与央行宏观调控, 《金融与经济》, 1999









2000年, 康奈尔大学应用经济与管理学博士
1998年, 康奈尔大学应用经济与管理学硕士
1990年, 天津财经大学统计系经济学硕士
1987年, 南开大学数学系 数学学士
2006-至今,国际食物政策研究所 高级研究员
2003-2005,国际食物政策研究所 研究员
2000-2002,国际食物政策研究所 博士后研究员
Refereed journal papers in English
Challenges of Creating Cities in China: Lessons from a Short-lived County-to-City Upgrading Policy, (Shenggen Fan, Lixing Li, and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 40: 676-291, 2012.
Patterns of China's Industrialization: Concentration, Specialization, and Clustering, (Cheryl Long and Xiaobo Zhang) China Economic Review, 23(3): 593-612, 2012.
Credit Constraints, Clustering and Profitability among Chinese Firms, (Jianqing Ruan and Xiaobo Zhang), Strategic Change, 21: 159–179, 2012.
The Competitive Saving Motive: Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings in China, (Shang-jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of Political Economy, 119 (3): 511-564, June 2011.
Positional Spending and Status Seeking in Rural China, (Philip H. Brown, Erwin Bulte and Xiaobo Zhang) Journal of Development Economics, 96: 139–149, 2011.
Cluster-Based Industrialization in China: Financing and Performance, (Cheryl Long and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of International Economics, 84 (1): 112-123, 2011.
Infrastructure and Cluster Development: A Case Study of Handloom Weavers in Ethiopia, (Xiaobo Zhang, Lisa Mooman, Gezahegn Ayele), Journal of Development Studies, 47:12, 1869-1886, 2011.
China Has Reached the Lewis Turning Point, (Zhang, Xiaobo, Jin Yang, and Shenglin Wang) China Economic Review, 22 (4): 542–554, 2011.
China's One-Child Policy and ‘the Mystery of Missing Women’: Ethnic Minorities and Male-Biased Sex Ratios (Erwin Bulte, Nico Heerink and Xiaobo Zhang). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 73 (1): 21-39. 2011.
Estimating the Returns to Rural Investment in Nepal Food Policy, (Andrew Dillon, Manohar Sharma, and Xiaobo Zhang), Food Policy, 36: 250–258. 2011.
Why Does the Great Chinese Famine Affect the Male and Female Survivors Differently? Mortality Selection versus Son Preference. (Ren Mu and Xiaobo Zhang) Economics Human Biology, 9: 92–105, 2011.
China’s Regional Disparities: Experience and Policy, (Fan, Shenggen, Ravi Kanbur, and Xiaobo Zhang), Review of Development Finance, 1: 47–56, 2011.
The Evolution of an Industrial Cluster in China. (Belton Fleisher, Dinghuan Hu, William McGuire, and Xiaobo Zhang), China Economic Review, 21(3): 456-469, 2010.
"Finance and Cluster-Based Industrial Development in China," (Jianqing Ruan and Xiaobo Zhang), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 58:143–164, October 2009.
Community Poverty And Inequality In Western China: A Tale of Three Villages in Guizhou Province, (L. Xing, S. Fan, X. Luo, and X. Zhang), China Economic Review, 20(2): 338-349, 2009.
Public Expenditure, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Rural Uganda, (Shenggen Fan and Xiaobo Zhang), African Development Review, 20 (3): 466-496, 2008. [Also reprinted as a chapter in Public expenditures for agricultural and rural development in Africa, ed. Tewodaj Mogues, and Samuel Benin. Routledge studies in development economics. London: Routledge. Chapter 7. Pp: 178-201.]
Resource Abundance and Regional Development in China, (Xiaobo Zhang, Li Xing, Shenggen Fan, and Xiaopeng Luo), Economics of Transition, 16(1): 7-29, 2008.
The Role of Clustering in Rural Industrialization: A Case Study of Wenzhou's Footwear Industry. (Zuhui Huang, Xiaobo Zhang, and Yunwei Zhu), China Economic Review, 2008, 19: 409–420.
Impact of Famine during Pregnancy and Infancy on Health in Adulthood, (Z. Yang, W. Zhao, X. Zhang, R. Mu, Y. Zhai, L. Kong and C. Chen), Obesity Reviews 9 (Suppl. 1), 95–99, 2008.
Rural Industrialization in China and India: Role of Policies and Institutions, (Anit Mukherjee and Xiaobo Zhang), World Development, 35 (10): 1621-1634, 2007.
Asymmetric Property Rights in China’s Economic Growth, William Mitchell Law Review, 33 (2): 101-116, 2007.
Incremental Reform and Distortions in China’s Product and Factor Markets, (Xiaobo Zhang and Kong-yam Tan), World Bank Economic Review, 21(2): 279-299, 2007. [Reprint as chapter 8 in Policy Reform and Chinese Markets: Progress and Challenges, Edited by Belton M. Fleisher, Nicholas C. Hope, Anita Alves Pena, and Dennis Tao Yang. Cheltenham, UK Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar, 2008.]
Patterns of spatial convergence and divergence in India and China (Gajwani, Kiran, Ravi Kanbur, and Xiaobo Zhang) in Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2007, Regional: Beyond Transition, eds. F. Bourguignon and B. Pleskovic, page 155-178, 2007.
Is the Relationship between Aid and Economic Growth Nonlinear? (Andros Kourellos, Chih Ming Tan, and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of Macroeconomics, 29: 515-540, 2007.
Fiscal Decentralization and Political Centralization in China: Implications for Growth and Regional Inequality, Journal of Comparative Economics, 34 (4): 713-726, December, 2006.
Famine and Overweight in China, (Zhehui Luo, Ren Mu, and Xiaobo Zhang), Review of Agricultural Economics, 28 (3): 296-304, 2006.
Spatial Inequality in Education and Health Care in China, (X. Zhang and R. Kanbur), China Economic Review, 16: 189-204, 2005. Reprint as Chapter 3, in Market Development In China Spillovers, Growth and Inequality, Page 41-60. Edited by Belton M. Fleisher, Haizheng Li, and Shunfeng Song. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Fifty Years of Regional Inequality in China: A Journey Through Central Planning, Reform and Openness, (R. Kanbur and X. Zhang), Review of Development Economics, 9(1): 87-106, January 2005.
China, Economic Development and Mortality Decline, (Judith Banister and Xiaobo Zhang), World Development, 33(1): 21-41, January 2005.
Local Governance and Public Goods Provision in Rural China, (Xiaobo Zhang, Shenggen Fan, Linxiu Zhang, and Jikun Huang) Journal of Public Economics, 88(12): 2857-2871, 2004.
How Productive Is Infrastructure? New Approach and Evidence from Rural India, (X. Zhang and S. Fan), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86(2): 492–501, May 2004.
Reform, Investment and Poverty in Rural China, (S. Fan, L. Zhang, and X. Zhang) Economic Development and Cultural Change, 52 (2): 395-422, January 2004.
Spatial Patterns of Crop Yields in Latin America and the Caribbean, (Stanley Wood, Liangzhi You, and Xiaobo Zhang), Cuadernos de Economia (Latin American Journal of Economics), 41 (December): 361-382, 2004.
Public Investment and Regional Inequality in Rural China, (X. Zhang and S. Fan) Agricultural Economics, 30(2): 89-100, 2004.
Infrastructure and Regional Economic Development in Rural China, (S. Fan and X. Zhang) China Economic Review, 15 (2): 203-214, 2004.
Industrialization, Urbanization, and Land Use in China (X. Zhang, T. Mount and R. Boisvert), Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2(3): 207-224, September 2004. [Reprint as a chapter in The Great Urbanization of China edited by Ding LU, page 99-124, Series on Contemporary China Volume 30, World Scientific, 2012.]
How China’s WTO Accession Affects Rural Economy in the Less-Developed Regions: A Multi-Region, General Equilibrium Analysis, (X. Diao, S. Fan, and X. Zhang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 31: 332-351, June 2003.
Does Guanxi Matter To Nonfarm Employment? (X. Zhang and G. Li), Journal of Comparative Economics, 3: 315-331, June 2003.
Structural Change and Economic Growth in China, (S. Fan, S. Robinson, and X. Zhang), Review of Development Economics, 7(3): 360-377, 2003. [A Chinese version targeting to general readers is in China Economics Quarterly, October 2002]
How Agricultural Research Affects Urban Poverty in Developing Countries? (S. Fan, C. Fang, and X. Zhang), World Development, 31(4): 733-741, April 2003.
How Does FDI Affect Regional Inequality within a Developing Country? Evidence from China (X. Zhang and K. Zhang), Journal of Development Studies, 39 (4): 47-67, April 2003. Reprinted in Globalization and the Third World, edited by B. N. Ghosh and Halil M. Guven, Palgrave MaCmillan, 109-128, 2006.
The Emerging Urban Poverty and Inequality in China: Evidence from Household Survey (C. Fang, X. Zhang, and S. Fan), China Economic Review, 13 (4): 430-443, December 2002.
‘The Path of Technological Diffusion: Which Neighbors to Learn from? (X. Zhang, S. Fan, and X. Cai), Contemporary Economic Policy, 20 (4): 470-478, October 2002.
Production and Productivity Growth in Chinese Agriculture: New National and Regional Measures, (S. Fan and X. Zhang), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 50 (4): 819-838, July 2002. Reprint in China's Agricultural Development: Challenges and Prospects, edited by Xiao-yuan Dong, Shunfeng Song, and Xiaobo Zhang, Ashagate, p. 129-151, 2006.
How Does Public Investment Affect Growth and Poverty in China? (S. Fan, L. Zhang, and X. Zhang), World Economy China, 9 (4): 9-19, July-August 2001.
What Difference Do Polarisation Measures Make? (X. Zhang and Ravi Kanbur), Journal of Development Studies, 37(3): 85-98, February 2001.
Estimating Crop-Specific Production Technology in Chinese Agriculture: A Generalized Maximum Entropy Method, (X. Zhang and S. Fan), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83(2): 378-388, May 2001.
The Demand for Food Grain in China: New Insights into a Controversy, (X. Zhang, T. D. Mount and R. N. Boisvert), Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 30 (1): 1-9, April 2001.
Which Regional Inequality: The Evolution of Rural-Urban or Coast-Inland Inequality in China? (R. Kanbur and X. Zhang), Journal of Comparative Economics, December 1999, 27: 686-701.
飞雁模式发生了吗?——对1998-2008中国制造业的分析 (曲钥、蔡昉、张晓波)《经 济 学 (季刊)》,2012.
危机与制造业产业集群的质量升级: 基于浙江产业集群的研究 (阮建青、 张晓波、 卫龙宝), 《管理世界》,2010年2月.
中国经济到了刘易斯转折点了吗?来自贫困地区的证据(张晓波、杨进、王生林)《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》,40 (1): 54-72, 2010年1月 .
中国西部地区农村不平等状况研究, 基于贵州住户调查数据的分析 (邢鹂、樊胜根、罗小朋、张晓波)《经 济 学 (季刊)》,第8卷第1期 (总第31期): 325-346, 2008年10月.
基于产业集群的包商制与企业家才能。(阮建青、张晓波、 卫龙宝)《管理世界》, 总第182期): 119-128, 2008年11月.
资本壁垒与产业集群——基于浙江濮院羊毛衫产业的案例研究, (阮建青、张晓波、 卫龙宝) 《经 济 学 (季刊)》,第7卷第1期(总第27期), 2007年10月.
社會賦權的交換與區域間、協調發展, (羅小朋、張曉波) 《二十一世紀雙月刊》 2007年2月號 總第九十九期13-20.
农民收入差距问题的一个分析视角:基于农民企业家报酬的考察, (黄祖辉、张晓波、王敏) ,《管理世界》, 68-75, 2006.
中国和印度的乡村工业化比较研究,Anit Mukherjee、张晓波,《经济学(季刊)》,2006年第1期。
张晓波、阮建青,《中国产业集群的演化与发展》,浙江大学出版社, 2011年。
Dillon, Andrew, Manohar Sharma, and Xiaobo Zhang, Estimating the Impact of Access to Infrastructure and Extension Services in Rural Nepal. IFPRI Research Monograph series, 2011.
Zhang, Xiaobo, Arjan de Haan and Shenggen Fan, Narratives of Chinese Economic Reforms: How Does China Cross the River? World Scientific Publishing, 2010.
Fan, Shenggen, Ravi Kanbur and Xiaobo Zhang, Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. Routledge, 2009.
Kanbur, Ravi and Xiaobo Zhang, Governing Rapid Growth in China: Equity and Institutions. Routledge, 2009.
Fan, Shenggen, Linxliu Zhang, and Xiaobo Zhang, Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in Rural China: the Role of Public Investments. IFPRI Research 125. 2002 [ 中文版《经济改革,公共投资及农村贫困》 由中国农业出版社出版]
2010-至今,《China Economic Review》(SSCI, Elsevier), 共同主编
2008-2011,中国国家自然科学基金会海外合作基金 (20万人民币)
1994-1995, 世界银行研究生奖学金










1. 美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀校区,战略管理学博士学位 9/1989-5/1994
2. 黄河大学,经济管理专业研究生班毕业 9/1987-1/1989
3. 北京工业学院(现北京理工大学),管理工程学士学位 9/1983-7/1987
北京大学国家发展研究院(中国经济研究中心)管理学教授 1/2004-至今
北大国际MBA管理学教授兼学术委员会主任 7/2007-至今
北大国际MBA管理学教授兼EMBA项目主任 1/2004-7/2007??
日本名古屋商科大学管理学教授 4/2010-3/2011
美国伊利诺伊大学春田校区商学院管理系教授 1/2005-1/2010??
美国罗得岛州博然特大学商学院管理系副教授 8/2000-6/2005
美国罗得岛州博然特大学商学院管理系助教授 7/1994-7/2000
香港科技大学组织管理系访问学者 8/2001-8/2002
北京大学光华管理学院访问教授 3/2002-7/2002??
中欧国际工商学院访问教授 4/2002-5/2002
1. Hao Ma. 2004.Competitive Advantage: Anatomy and Constellation。Beijing: Peking University Press.
2. 马浩著《竞争优势:解剖与集合》。中信出版社,2004年11月出版。
3. 马浩著《决策就是拍脑袋》。中信出版社,2005年9月出版。??
4. 马浩译《管理大师的忠告》。中信出版社,2005年11月出版。
5. 马浩著《缎子麻袋装管理》。北京大学出版社,2006年1月出版。??
6. 马浩著《管理的偏见》。机械工业出版社, 2007年5月31日出版。
7. 马浩编著《战略管理精要》。北京大学出版社,2008年2月出版。??
8. 马浩著《叶公品龙》。机械工业出版社, 2008年7月出版。
9. 马浩著《竞争优势:解剖与集合》。(修订版)。北京大学出版社,2010年1月出版。??
10. 马浩著《没话找话:决策还是拍脑袋》。中国民主与法制出版社,2011年3月出版。
11. Hao Ma, Shu Lin, and Leng Liang, 2011. Corporate Political Strategies of Private Chinese Firms. London: Routledge.
12. 马浩著《管理的偏见:为什么聪明人故意办傻事儿》(修订版)。华章出版社, 2012年4月出版。
在北美和欧洲的英文管理学期刊上已经发表近20篇论文,其中包括美国《管理学会评论》(Academy of Management Review),《创业学杂志》(Journal of Business Venturing)和《国际管理杂志》(Journal of International Management) 等学术研究型刊物以及《组织动态》(Organizational Dynamics),《商业地平线》(Business Horizons) 和《管理决策》(Management Decision) 等管理应用型刊物。 ??在匿名审稿的国际管理学会议上宣读论文30余篇,并数次获得美国东部管理学会和美国竞争力学会的最佳论文奖。







